• Post category:Beelzebub's Emails
  • Reading time:5 mins read


I see that you have been working on a small group of activists. It seems that you have only been able to cause minor changes in them. They have become a pain and burden to their own families, and you have kept them from undertaking any fruitful work. This is a good start, but you have been wasting their potential. You may yet be leading the calves to the slaughter, but you have done nothing to fatten them. Our Father below requires satiation. That is our only job. We bring him food, and in return, he won’t consume us completely. Fail to do so, and he may supplement his meal with the rest of you.

Please do not take this as an act of kindness. I assure you it is not. I am merely concerned with productivity, and I care nothing for your preservation. Nevertheless, in an attempt to make you more useful to our cause, I have compiled step by step instructions to further corrupt your rotten little activists.

First, you must find a way to give them grand ideals and lofty goals, such as the abolition of hunger or poverty. Show them starving children and homeless families. I will note that this is a dangerous step if undergone in the wrong way. You do not want to ignite genuine compassion in them, only something that looks similar in form, pity mixed with hatred. If you can make them feel only pity and hatred, you will be able to keep them from all other useful emotions.

We have worked out this combination in our labs, and it is the closest sensation to compassion we have come up with. It contains the motivation to action and a strong emotional link but lacks the moral component. Compassionate people will only do certain things to help, while people in our state of mock compassion will do anything. That is what we need Ratrot, people who will do anything.

In addition to developing the emotional link, you will need to help them establish goals to “save” humanity. Keep them vague and immeasurable. Do not let them think of a plan but only an outcome. So long as they are only thinking of the end, they will be utterly powerless.

These new goals, If appropriately drafted, will be vital in ensuring that they have a reason to justify any of the actions that we feed them. This basis for justification will allow you to transition into the next step, education.
You will need to develop their intellect so that they will have the wherewithal to defend their goals and ideals. I must warn you that our Father below allows us to use intelligence as a tool and nothing more. Keep your prey under your control, and do not let them drink from that wretched fountain of enlightenment. Our enemy created intelligence, and we must forget that anything made by his hands has the chance of taking our food away from us. Be on your guard and monitor where they get their information.

You must be sure to take extra precautions while you are nurturing your little revolutionaries. Keep them from libraries and books in general, especially history books. Limit their access to information. Keep them fed off of blogs, online articles, social media, and the news. There are indeed many books that would serve our cause, but it is too risky, as there is an even larger volume of works that would completely undermine us. You can safely ensure that they will certainly find more of our propaganda online and in the news, considering how much of it is under our influence.

If you have successfully educated them, given them lofty goals, and stirred up their emotions, the rest of the operation should come naturally to you. If you’re worth your sulfur, you will have no trouble leading to them to the final stage.

Soon after your schooling, they will begin to hate their own kind. It won’t be hard to spur them to desire the termination of not only themselves but all of humanity. If you have done it right, they will begin with other humans and then enact the final solution on themselves. They may even carry it all out with an air of what they would call “nobility” and “honor.” As if they were the saviors of the world. Our Father does enjoy it when they’re martyred for our cause. He says it gives them a particular flavor.

The fools with their emboldened contempt for humanity and a sense of solemnity towards their movement will need to be reminded that they are not like the others. They must really think that they are different, set apart, and nothing like the ignorant public. Keep their minds off their own humanity at all costs. We have lost many exquisite morsels to the enemy above, simply because they remembered what they were.

Ratrot, If you are successful at following my commands, you will ensure the descent of your petty, self-loathing activists. You will have created a feast of impotent protesters, genocidal maniacs, and the ever delicious false martyrs.

I look forward to seeing your morsels in the maw of our Father below.

Oh and remember Ratrot, if you mess this up we will be feasting on you instead.

Your Unloving Commander, 


How To Read The Letters Of Beelzebub

If you have no idea what you just read or you have understood it and you’re disgusted please take a moment to visit my introductory post where I describe my means, methods, and purpose behind these Beelzerbub letters.

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A Demon Talks About Activists