• Post category:Philosophy

Materialism is a self serving ideology. The materialist says aloud “all things are reducible to molecules” and under his breath whispers “but you better not treat me as if I were reducible”.

He reserves the right to see all matters of life as mere chance and biological necessity. If a man of this sort bumps into you, sorry, it’s not his fault. You must blame the excessive amount of carbon in the room, or the lack of dopamine in his brain.

But You must never blame the thing we call “him”. He will not understand it. To a man of this kind there is no such thing as a centralized “him”, no self. There is only this part and that part.

If you would like to call the collection of parts “him” or “self”. You are free to but do not expect this man to return the favor. Though he may paradoxically refer to himself this way he has no intention of affording anyone else such a compliment.

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