• Post category:Beelzebub's Emails
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Be sure, dear friend, to always blame the state. You must remember that you are of no-fault. All unfortunate circumstances are a result of the state. If you are weak or sick, it is really the government’s fault. If you lose your job, house, and loved ones, it is a result of the lousy hand the oppressive establishment has dealt you.

The ever-present eye of the state is always out to get you. Those who build it and support it are never working in favor of the people. If a law is established, it will always oppress you. All laws are oppressive, and all who deal in law are oppressors. Dear stricken friend, do not be tempted to support these megalomaniacs, these dealers of death and freedom. Always resits and always hold them accountable for their actions. Make them pay for the problems they have caused you.

Demand your reparations. The state owes you all it has. Force them to bow at your feet. They are the source of all your problems. Do not take the blame for one moment. You are only a disenfranchised minority. You have no power. You can not be to blame for any of your actions. All that you do is in response to the poor hand you have been dealt. You have done the best that you could. My sweet friend, do not believe you are the cause of your suffering. Indeed there is and was nothing you can do.

Blame the state.

Take your revenge.

Signed Your Sincere and Loving Friend,


How To Read The Letters Of Beelzebub

If you have no idea what you just read or you have understood it and you’re disgusted please take a moment to visit my introductory post where I describe my means, methods, and purpose behind these Beelzerbub letters.

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Beelzebub Warns About The State