Philosophy today is often dismissed as mere mysticism, lumped in with crystal healing and fortune-telling—a telling reflection of our era. As philosophy fades from our personal lives and our education systems, people aren’t left with nothing to believe; rather, they’re primed to believe almost anything. Yet, not everything we’re told about the world is true.

To abandon philosophy—to stop engaging with questions and ideas that sharpen our understanding—would be to disarm ourselves and leave our less-prepared peers without defense against unfounded beliefs and empty ideas. As C.S. Lewis reminds us: “Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.”

Here, I explore philosophical ideas, examining beliefs and their impact on our daily lives. Through evaluating their validity, soundness, and reliability, I hope to reach more accurate conclusions, and ultimately, find a path to a more truthful, optimistic way of living—not just for myself, but for others.

How We Make Choices

Have you ever made a significant decision? Maybe you were stuck between the college of your dreams or the college you could afford, the job that's down the street or the job offer in a new country. Even if your decision wasn't as life-altering as moving out of the country, it could still fall into the category of a significant decision. We could all benefit from examining how we make our choices. You might be surprised by what you find.

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Mortimer J. Adler – Quotes and Short Biography

Mortimer J. Adler is considered to be a staple in the 20th-century study of Westen Philosophy, primarily in the areas of Philosophical theology, metaphysics, and ethics. During his career, he worked for Columbia University, the University of Chicago, Encyclopædia Britannica, and at his own Institute for Philosophical Research. Though Adler was a famous thinker & writer, many of the new generations do not know who he is. I have collected 30 quotes to introduce people to his work.

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Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – Quotes and Short Biography

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a stark critic and prolific writer. He produced several significant works, among which are One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago. In 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature because he used his words and his mind with intellectual and ethical force to expose the atrocities happening in his homeland.

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G.K. Chesterton – Quotes and Short Biography

On top of his expansive literary career, he was a genuinely likable guy. Chesterton was witty, warm, brilliant, and standing at six foot four inches weighing three hundred pounds, he was an archetype of the proverbial teddy bear. Anyone who came in contact with G.K instantly enjoyed his company, even if you happened to find yourself across from him in a debate. Though you would undoubtedly lose, you would not feel any worse for having done so. G.K Chesterton influenced so many people through not only his literary career but also through personal interaction with him.

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