Abnormal Psychology began in the 19th century and is the study of nonstandard behavior, emotion, and thought. In other words, the study of mental disorders and illnesses. While It is important to understand the lighter parts of our nature as in the study of positive psychology, it is equally important to study our darkness. By acknowledging our saintly qualities, we must also note our sinful and broken attributes as well. The study of mental illness and abnormality, in general, allows us to develop a complete view of our nature.

Without a well-rounded understanding of our nature, we can neither improve the good in our lives nor dimish the bad. By not understanding the human condition, we risk harming the individual through writing about this shared darkness within each. I want to bring awareness to mental illness.

I think by drawing upon the dark commonalities within each mental illness will be destigmatized. They are allowing those who suffer, to feel more accepted and comfortable seeking help — allowing them to increase their psychological well-being.

World Famous Christian Author’s Quotes About Mental Illness

C.S Lewis was an Oxford and Cambridge scholar, a prolific writer, classicist, philosopher, and Christian. He wrote more than 20 books in his time the most popular of which is, The Chronicles Of Narnia and Mere Christianity. Apart from those two books, he also produced two excellent works on both pain in the general sense and grief in a personal sense. Most of the quotes you will find below are from those two works, A Grief Observed and The Problem Of Pain. Though most of the quotes come from those two books, there are a few that I have pulled from his other works — namely, The Screwtape Letters and The Chronicles of Narnia.

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Top 10 Quotes By Famous Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard About Suffering And Mental Illness

Søren Aabye Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic and religious author who is thought to be the father of existentialism. His writings span over various topics including psychology, Christianity, ethics, morality, and poetry. Among his many works there are two that stand out to me more than the others, The Sickness Unto Death and The Concept of Anxiety. Both of these works are more psychological in nature. The Sickness Unto Death was written in 1849 under the pseudonym Anti-Climacus. The book is about his concept of despair which he relates back to the Christian idea of original sin. The Concept of Anxiety was published in 1844 under the pseudonym Vigilius Haufniensis. Throughout the book he deals with anxiety which he describes as an unfocused fear or a "dizziness of freedom."Kierkegaard himself suffered from anxiety and throughout his life experienced great tragedy and loss. By the time Kierkegaard was 35, he had lost both his parents and all his brothers and sisters except for one. This for clear reasons leads him to struggle with what he called melancholy and what we moderns would call depression. This melancholy coupled with his anxiety provided him with an insider's understanding of the topics he wrote about. Below, you will find ten quotes from his most notable works The Sickness Unto Death, The Concept of Anxiety, Either/Or: A Fragment of Life, and The Journals of Kierkegaard.

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