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How Existential Psychology Can Help You Come to Terms with Death

Death is an inevitable part of life, yet many people find it challenging to face the reality of their mortality. The fear of death is a natural human response, but it can also be overwhelming and prevent us from living our lives to the fullest. This article will explore how existential psychology can help individuals come to terms with their mortality and live more fulfilling lives.

Key Points

  • Existential psychology can help individuals come to terms with their mortality and find meaning and purpose in life.
  • Strategies for coping with mortality include developing a positive attitude toward death, cultivating meaningful relationships, and engaging in activities that give meaning and purpose to life.
  • Therapeutic approaches such as meaning-centered therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mindfulness-based therapy can also be effective in helping individuals cope with mortality.


Mortality refers to the fact that we are all going to die someday. Death is a universal experience that transcends culture, race, and religion. Yet, despite this, many people find death frightening and struggle to cope with their mortality. Existential psychology focuses on the search for meaning and purpose in life and how individuals can cope with the inherent challenges of human existence. This article will examine how existential psychology can help individuals deal with their mortality and live more meaningfully.

The Concept of Existentialism

Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and choice. It is a worldview emphasizing human existence and the search for meaning in life. Existentialism concerns the fundamental questions of existence, such as the meaning of life, death, and the purpose of existence. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their lives and create meaning in a world that may seem meaningless.

The relationship between death and existentialism is closely intertwined. Existentialism views death as a fundamental part of life and emphasizes accepting our mortality. According to existentialism, individuals must confront their mortality to fully appreciate the value and meaning of life. By accepting death as a natural part of life, individuals can live more fully and authentically.

Understanding Mortality through Existential Psychology

Existential psychology offers a unique perspective on how individuals cope with their mortality. According to existential psychology, individuals face mortality in several stages. These stages include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Acceptance is the final stage, and it involves coming to terms with the reality of one’s mortality and embracing the value and meaning of life.

One of the critical components of facing mortality is acceptance. Acceptance involves recognizing the inevitability of death and embracing it as a natural part of life. This does not mean that individuals should not be afraid of death, but rather that they should acknowledge their fear and work towards accepting it. Acceptance can help individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives and give them a sense of control over their mortality.

Another essential aspect of facing mortality is self-awareness. Self-awareness involves being honest about one’s thoughts and feelings regarding mortality. This can help individuals better understand themselves and their values, which can be essential in developing strategies for coping with mortality.

Strategies for Coping with Mortality

There are several strategies that individuals can use to cope with their mortality. One important method is to develop a positive attitude toward death. This can involve viewing death as a natural part of life and focusing on the positive aspects of life rather than the fear of death. Developing a positive attitude towards death can help individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives and make the thought of death less overwhelming.

Another strategy for coping with mortality is to cultivate meaningful relationships. Robust, supportive relationships can provide individuals with a sense of belonging and purpose and help them cope with life’s challenges, including the fear of death.

Engaging in activities that give meaning and purpose to life is another important strategy for coping with mortality. This can involve pursuing hobbies and interests that bring joy and fulfillment or engaging in volunteer work that helps others.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can also be an effective strategy for coping with mortality. Mindfulness involves being present at the moment and focusing on one’s thoughts and feelings without judgment. Meditation can help individuals cultivate peace and calm, which is essential in facing the fear of death.

Therapeutic Approaches to Coping with Mortality

Several therapeutic approaches can be used to help individuals cope with their mortality. Meaning-centered therapy is one approach that focuses on assisting individuals in finding meaning and purpose in their lives, even in the face of death. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is another approach that can help individuals change negative thought patterns and develop more positive attitudes toward death. Mindfulness-based therapy is also a practical approach to coping with mortality. It helps individuals cultivate a sense of peace and calm, which is essential in facing the fear of death.


Facing mortality can be a complicated and overwhelming experience, but it is an essential part of life. Existential psychology offers a unique perspective on how individuals can cope with their mortality and live more meaningfully. By accepting death as a natural part of life, cultivating meaningful relationships, engaging in meaningful activities that give meaning and purpose, and practicing mindfulness and meditation, individuals can learn to cope with their mortality and live more fulfilling lives.


  1. What is mortality? 
    1. Mortality refers to the fact that we are all going to die someday.
  2. Why is it essential to face mortality? 
    1. Facing mortality can help individuals live more meaningful and fulfilling life.
  3. What is existential psychology? 
    1. Existential psychology focuses on the search for meaning and purpose in life and how individuals can cope with the inherent challenges of human existence.
  4. What are some strategies for coping with mortality? 
    1. Strategies for dealing with mortality include developing a positive attitude towards death, cultivating meaningful relationships, engaging in activities that give meaning and purpose to life, and practicing mindfulness and meditation.
  5. What are some therapeutic approaches to coping with mortality? 
    1. Therapeutic approaches to dealing with mortality include meaning-centered therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mindfulness-based therapy.

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Owner of Tweaking Optimism. I write from a Christian perspective on current topics within philosophy and psychology.