Philosophy Posts

“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” 

 Martin Luther

Broken Pencils & Spontaneous Goodness

Spend any amount of time in a dead-end job, whether well paid or not, and you may just end up desiring a revolution if for no other reason than that you wish to experience something new, and the uprising would give you a reason to skip work on Monday.

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Afghanistan Suffering & Conservative Finger Wagging

The Afghanistan crisis broke out on the news cycle less than twenty-four hours ago. Within such a short time frame, the tragic story has already become the new favored talking point on the right and just as those on the left under the previous administration looked for any and every reason to poke the yellow-haired […]

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Having Effective Conversations In Trying Times w/ Paul VanderKlay (Podcast)

In this episode of Will Work For Purpose, I am joined by Paul VanderKlay. As a pastor and YouTuber, he has spent many years having tough conversations over a wide variety of controversial topics. Not only has he been having the conversations, but he has been having them effective, which can be attested to by the hundreds of hours of content on his YouTube Channel. Throughout the show, we talk about politically divisive conversations, Christian ethics,...

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