I have found among my generation, that the popularity of progressivism runs almost unchecked in quite a hedonistic way. From my understating, other than being for “progress” (whatever that means) the progressive movement seems to be marked with an obsession with acceptance. If you do not allow all and condemn none, then you cannot be considered a progressive. The progressive must be open and willing to accept all. To accept all and judge none. To bring none to court excepting those who would bring others to court — judging only those who judge and condemning only those who condemn. So, they’re not accepting all and open to all, but rather to all who are convenient or to that which makes them feel good. Never you mind that they’re closed off to those who call for moral accountability, sensible moderation, and reasonable dialog.
The Aim Of Progressive Hedonism
The progressive movement at a fundamental level rails against moral accountability. Some may go as far as to say no actions are immoral, to completely dispatch with any form of liability. While on the other hand, they work tirelessly to create more laws and develop a more extensive form of government. Ultimately to impress this confused moral doctrine on all who fall into the group. It seems they would wipe away all other moral codes and supplant this siren call as gospel truth “If it feels good, makes you happy, and you want to do it, you should be free to do it.” It is all horribly hedonistic.
If it were not apparent by now, I do not find this idea of freedom to be either good or helpful for any society. Being allowed to do “whatever you like” is not freedom, it is anarchy. Contrary to popular belief, anarchy would result in less freedom, not more if others are free to do what they like with the exclusion of judgment and condemnation. Then you can be sure that what your neighbor “likes” to do will at some level infringe upon what you “like” to do.
An Illustration Of Progressive Hedonism
For example, maybe your neighbor likes to take things without consent. It brings him joy to take things because it makes him feel powerful, and the feeling of power is a good thing, by most accounts. Let us also say that your neighbor likes to go to the gym so that he can take things more forcefully. He is thus increasing his feeling of both power and joy, respectively. His intent, his desire, is to take what he can regardless of the force required to take it. He has come to a point where his happiness requires it.
Whatever he desires must be taken by force now, If he had anything gained by any other way, he wouldn’t find it satisfying. All of this is quite unfortunate for you as you happen to frequent the same gym as your neighbor. Made even more regrettable by the fact that you have run across your neighbor on the way to the gym a few times. You have unknowingly been striking up pleasant enough conversations with him. After a while, your neighbor realizes that he’s developed a crush on you. He desires you, and you don’t share that same sentiment. All of this is better for him and all the more tragic for you.
How We Progressed To This State
I needn’t go into any other detail for you to see my point. It would be easy to see that a mindset that allows something like my story mentioned above to happen could be progressive. The idea that you should be able to “do what you like” is dangerous. It only exists because of ignorance and lack of reflection on the part of many of my “progressive” peers.
Those in the progressive camp all promote doubt. They doubt the government, corporations, food labels, and God, none doubt themselves or their thoughts. Doubt all but yourself they scream. Believe unquestioningly in yourself and your ideas. If you do, it will all work out, and you will be alright, your dreams will come true, and the world will be at your command. This blind and undying devotion to themselves and their thoughts will be the source of much suffering yet to come.
The Fix For Progressive Hedonism
My petition is not new. It is quite old and to top it off, making it completely regressive, and it also has purely religious origins. I am asking that we turn around. I do not think this modern mindset has done irreversible damage. If we are on the wrong road. The quickest way to progress is not to travel further down the same path but to turn back. To say it another way we need metanoeō, repentance. In the timeless words of C.S Lewis:
“Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turn, then to go forward does not get you any nearer.If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.”
By way of this old religious and regressive concept, I think things can be set right. We can begin our journey in the right direction again, though much further off than where we started. We have the ability to make up for lost ground. It is time to turn around. If we do not, we risk walking an entire species off into the void.
Humanity will unmake its self.
Please Turn Around.
It is the only way forward.
Thanks for sharing this! I have many of the same thoughts
I could not agree more. Hedonism dates back at least as far as the Sumerian culture. It is not a new or enlightened approach to living.
I am not sure I understood all of your reasonings I must confess but I do concur that we should not agree with everything. Some things are simply not acceptable morally, spiritually and realistically
Amen, Mosley.