Blaise Pascal was one of the most notable figures of the 17th-century. He was a philosopher, mathematician, and a theologian. He is most known among Christians for his book published in 1669, popularly known as Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion, et sur quelques autres sujets (“Thoughts of M. Pascal on religion, and on some other subjects”). In this book, he makes many arguments for the existence of God and other religious concepts. If you’re interested in the book, you can listen to it for free on Audible if you click HERE. If you have never heard of Pascal’s book, but you have heard of Pascal. It is most likely because not only did he publish works of philosophy and theology but also has notable mathematical contributions. These include such things as the geometry concepts, Pascal’s triangle, and Pascal’s theorem. Whether he was working in mathematics or philosophy he produced timeless pieces.
I have collected ten quotes from Blaise Pascale on the topics of nature, God, philosophy, and theology.
Great Quotes! I also liked your post with C.S. Lewis quotes, very nice.
Terrific quotes!