Beelzebub Issues A New Command

Mr. Roachblood, I am writing to your distinguished and disgusting attention to provide you with a new mandate we are going to give our troops. I would have graced you with my presence to issue the orders in person, but I haven’t the time. What with the election drawing so near and all. I would be missing out on many prime opportunities to direct the masses. As you know, it is such a burden looking after so many souls, but I must admit when I get down to it, I do enjoy my work. The fruits of my labor are always sweeter than I can imagine, but enough about my schedule back to the reason for my writing to you.

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G.K. Chesterton – Quotes and Short Biography

On top of his expansive literary career, he was a genuinely likable guy. Chesterton was witty, warm, brilliant, and standing at six foot four inches weighing three hundred pounds, he was an archetype of the proverbial teddy bear. Anyone who came in contact with G.K instantly enjoyed his company, even if you happened to find yourself across from him in a debate. Though you would undoubtedly lose, you would not feel any worse for having done so. G.K Chesterton influenced so many people through not only his literary career but also through personal interaction with him.

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