Reasons For Reading Lists

Some people have strong feelings about reading lists. You wouldn't think it, but they are quite polarizing. The critics say that reading should be done out of passion, and others follow a strict code. I think the magic is to found somewhere between. I have compiled reasons why I think you should start using reading lists if you're not already. I have also included a comprehensive list for you to begin with that was drafted by a famous philosopher.

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Mortimer J. Adler – Quotes and Short Biography

Mortimer J. Adler is considered to be a staple in the 20th-century study of Westen Philosophy, primarily in the areas of Philosophical theology, metaphysics, and ethics. During his career, he worked for Columbia University, the University of Chicago, Encyclopædia Britannica, and at his own Institute for Philosophical Research. Though Adler was a famous thinker & writer, many of the new generations do not know who he is. I have collected 30 quotes to introduce people to his work.

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The Ransom Trilogy by C.S Lewis

C.S. Lewis, the mind behind some of the greatest works of Christian literature, such as The Chronicles of Narnia and Mere Christianity. Also happens to be the mind behind the lesser-known Ransom Trilogy. These books hold a dear place in my heart and I do not think they get the attention they deserve. C.S. Lewis is a master of fiction and fantasy You will not be disappointed with these books.

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