Climate Change and Covid-19 – How To Live Uncertain Times w/ Mark From Climactic

Covid-19 and climate change are two hot topic issues we are dealing with in our societies at large, and both phenomena serve as potential pitfalls for the mental lives of those living today. A significant portion of people experiencing mental distress are made worse by the reality of both the pandemic and climate change. Young people in particular often find themselves engaged in catastrophic think and say things like, "it won't matter. We'll all be gone soon anyway."

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How Does Religion Affect Mental Health?

Yes, religion does affect your mental health, and as the stats show, it affects positively. Individuals who practice a religious belief system have been noted to experience a wealth of psychological benefits from their belief. However, those benefits tend to diminish depending on whether or not their faith is extrinsic or intrinsic. Those who express their faith in an intrinsic way experience the most mental health benefits.

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